It's already been one week in Wiesbaden. Here I am in front of our apartment building. We are on the ground level, more pics to follow when the snow melts. We slept in today because nobody was coming over to fix stuff, take our passports, or tell us what we're doing wrong. We started the day by changing a light bulb. Everything seems to take forever. It took 2 of us 30 minutes. Where's Frank the handyman when we need him? 4 little screws, glass plates, special screwdriver...blah blah. Anyway got that done. Pete then put on Railroad Earth bluegrass tunes and brought tears to my eyes. The music made me miss the USA.
We finally got through all the boxes including the ones hiding in our storage area in the basement. Just when Pete thought he's moved his last flower pot, I managed to sneak in 22 pots/bird baths in our shipment. All are on our terrace now waiting for dirt and water. After emptying the last box, we took a much needed walk. We have not seen the sun all week but near the end of the day, a red sky peeked out and it was about 38 degrees F. I learned the path from Johann Sebastian Bach strasse to Richard Wagner strasse to the markt-platz so tomorrow I can go for coffee in the morning and find some friends. (bagel !)
After coming home, we made our first full dinner in our teeny-tiny kitchen. FOOD NETWORK LINGO WARNING: dinner was pasta with alfredo sauce and chives (italian) + sweet and sour red cabbage (german) and mixed green salad with sesame seed oil (asian). We ate while listening to Prairie Home Companion (sunday's repeat is perfect timing for dinner here - wunderbar!!)
After working in the kitchen, I am now sending back a box of cookie sheets, roasting pans, and my large soup pot made for large american kitchens. Hope to get pics of the apartment inside tomorrow.
Til tomorrow... Tschuss!
Mary, 22 POTS!!! You Are Too FUNNY! I love it. Called Brian to let him know I could come back to the Greenhouse! I think he was pleased:) They were getting ready to leave on their sailing trip. Virgin Islands, I think, this time. Any way I still love reading about everything so keep it comin!!!