The pictures should tell the story.....
And, not so much
The band especially like them...
Ghostbusters found a maiden to save...
I gotta feeling, tonite's gonna be a good nite....mazel tov!!
The guys on the 2nd floor blared the Black-Eyed-Peas and euro beats to the crowd. Check out their slogan.
Just not sure about these guys...
Or this guy.
Black-eyed-Peas got the crowd into a frenzy including a normally subdued American.
Hmmm, naughty nurses I think. Looks like Katie's friends.
Another example of german engineering - a traveling Keg and dispenser. Oh, yeah, Mary gotta free beer.
And, this guy is not wearing a costume. German efficiency doesn't rest when it's time to clean up. The buzzkill boys showed up and Mary thanked them for their endeavors.
Looks like you found some strange but fun people at their Mardi Gras. Sure looks like it was a lot of fun too. That's one place I'd like to go to one day is New Orleans at Mardi Gras. Not much new around here. Waiting for Spring and it can't get here fast enough. Gotta go but will email you tonight if we're not too busy. Take care, Love Vic