Had a beautiful day on Saturday. It seemed like the entire population of Wiesbaden was outside. So we joined them. I visited some of my favorite shops in town and Pete took pictures. Surprise, surprise, my favorite places are mostly flower shops.
And here are the many flower shops I love to visit. This one is my favorite. A girl named Ellie works here and speaks perfect English so I visit with her often. Spring and the Easter season are big celebrations here. Flowers and early forced bedding plants are abundant and surprisingly sold this early.
Here's a clever idea using a large grapevine wreath and fabricated Easter eggs.
I'm just starting to grow my own orchids and love everything about them especially the low maintenance.
Pete thought this would be a good store for him.
On the way home, the fountains were in full motion. Our American friends here say that the locals start Spring on March 1st. Judging from all the people out and about, they mean it.
Even the the pond in the park had it's water spout going strong only a few feet away from the slowly melting ice.
Hopefully Spring is here to stay. Tschus!